Routines or Rituals

The routines we learn or fall into define our days and shape our lives. But how conscious of them and their effects on us are we? And what do we do to change them? 
Our behaviour before bed and upon waking is a really good example of this. Most of us know that screen time before bed can lead to poor sleep and that a coffee first thing in the morning can dehydrate us and deplete our adrenalin leading to poor focus and burn out. So why do we still do it? And what could we be doing instead? 
We wear our sleepwear during the day and our daywear to bed, so if your clothing is wheneverwear, how do you help your body define the end of a day and the start of a new one?
Here's our list of simple ways to start improving our routines by introducing simple changes to improve our rest at night and our activities during the day. 
By becoming aware of our unconscious routines and changing them into conscious rituals of self care we can take responsibility for our wellness everyday and night. 


  • Have a cup of tea - Chamomile works a treat.
  • Take a warm shower or bath - 1-2 hours before bed.
  • Turn the screen off - aim for 1 hour before bed, read a book instead or watch something light and uplifting.
  • Buy an alarm clock - leave your phone in the lounge room.
  • Journal - get that list out of your head and onto some paper.
  • Breathing exercises - work out a pattern that suits you or try in for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. Repeat 5-6 times. 


  • Journal again - this time just write whatever comes to mind.
  • Stretch - some gentle movement to get the blood flowing. Try some salutes to the sun, roll downs or spine twists.
  • Drink some water before you have a coffee - even better add some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and wait 20 mins.
  • Set some goals for your day - take the time to get focused and keep motivated during your day. Remember to keep them SMART and write them down.